TM2 Productions

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Pipe Organ in the Sky

Other family members that have blogs have posted their thoughts on the passing of William E. Brown, my grandfather. I'll add mine as well.

Grandpa was one of those people that was in love with music and playing his pipe organ. Mom told me stories about the applause box that was built into the side of it. with a push of a button after playing, two pieces within it would clap in approval. She later told me it broke because the kids overused it.

It was during the funeral when I realized all the memories I had involving Grandpa, especially his recording equipment and his music. It's that artistic nature of the Brown Generation that was passed down to the next two generations.

Thursday in my dorm room at 9 am I got a call from Mom that Grandpa passed away. At age 93, he was the last surviving grandparent I had. My brother Chris spoke at the funeral saying how that top layer of the generations is gone now, but should not be forgotten.

Cherry Ice Cream, Tapioka Pudding, Yogi, Obi-Wan Kenobi (the cat, not the Jedi), railroads, steam engines, and old movie reels are a few things I'll remember Grandpa by.

When he's playing that pipe organ in the sky.


  • You're right, I forgot about that applause button. Your writing about it made me laugh out loud this morning, remembering it.
    It was great to meet you yesterday.
    Thanks for writing this... it helped me a lot.

    By Blogger Sharon, At 6:20 AM  

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