TM2 Productions

Monday, November 15, 2004

Grease, Night 5: A Very Interesting Matinee

Sunday was home to a first for the Colonial Theater: The first Sunday matinee in the history of Massey.

And it was interesting to say the least.

Lenny (Doody) showed up at about 10 minutes till show time. running fashionably late but still making it. In the worst case scenario, more than likely we would have called upon Jeopardy Mike to fill the role, but it didn't get to that extreme, thankfully. The show was running smoothly until intermission when a few of Kyle's (Danny) friends and family pile into the men's dressing room to say good job and such.

One superstitious rule of theater for me is to NEVER, EVER talk to audience members until after the show, Godspell being an obvious exception.

Well, it was bad luck.

During Beauty School Dropout the backdoor from the theater to the green room was left open, and the fog machine set off the fire alarm during mid song. "oh shit's" arise. panic ensues. And one lone crew member runs down the steps and yanks the battery out of the fire alarm, shutting it off. From there, the people on stage pick right back up with the song like nothing happened.

oh the joys of live theater.

and in the next scene, Kyle loses the ring he's supposed to give to Lindsay (Sandy) and falls underneath the car.

lesson of the day: keep the audience and actors separate for good luck.


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